
Love bugs, Wish weeds and rambling roses...

playground daze wish weeds

New Jersey

Days of wonder filled this spring time past with darkness and lights of life pains and joys. Now unknown futures lie ahead,gearing up for summer adventures and more visual splendors pouring out of me. Ups and downs and curves and spins make one dizzy that's for sure keeping the best footing I can to make it through the next door.. the next story is unfolding sit down quick and listen fast the chapters spin tales making dreams soon memories past. Time goes and goes and goes trying not to be a ghost and move with life and not fall behind. It's all a frenzied flurry of frill cluttering up minds. Clear the board, tabula rasa... blank slates and blank canvasses sit before me waiting for me to fill them up with newness.

Currently in the works my new series of works 'Tragically Delicious' will be shown this November at Parlor Gallery in a 2 person show title to come. Also I have some other things going on also coming up in November in Berlin I will be in a very cool art show that will mix visual art and music. "Feed Back" Opens November 6th at Gallery Neurotitan in Berlin. This show will pair an Artist and Musician together to have the music be composed to match the artwork. More Details to come soon. June 20th at Genuine Artikle Gallery in NY I will have some work on display if you are on the east coast you can check it out. Currently work is on display in Baltimore at Daniel Fountain Contemporary as well as work at Art Star Gallery which opens June 13th in Philly this Saturday! See you in Philly if you are around.

So off I go to continue dreaming dreams and bringing them to life and living and trying my best to get by.

Swinging on swings always as high as I can!

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