
Friends Art show...

Opening night was packed for this group show which included my friend Lori's paintings. I believe you can view the art work online now at www.jonathanlevinegallery.com or if you can just go visit and see work in person at 529 West 20th Street, 9E New York, NY ph:212-243-3822

Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11am to 6pm. I really loved Chris Mars, Tim Biskup and Gary Taxali's pieces. Now I have to go to my studio and stretch some mini canvas's for an upcoming show in June at the Toyroom gallery. Oh and last night was my opening at Gallery 1988.... too bad I couldn't be there! Darn east coast west coast distance. I am hoping to get some shots of the show ((cross my fingers )) from the gallery owners Jensen and Katie who seem super nice over email/phone ^___^ So i shall see. Tis all for now.

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