
Studio Daze!

My design area in my studio where I spend much of my days :D 
Nothing to complex to post right now... my head is swimming with so much to do. Between Project 30 finishing paintings for upcoming shows and running my design studio during the day well let's just say I am still trying my best to navigate and balance. It's a challenge but I would not have it any other way! I love working from home now doing design work during the day and artwork at night. It's been a great positive change. 

As soon as I am done posting this I will jump back into my Project 30 project :) and it's getting closer to reveal! YAY! I also have a some upcoming shows tomorrow night at wwagallery.com is the Sweet Streets show which looks completely fun! 

Then an AMAZING group show will be opening December 3rd in Asbury Park N.J. at S.I.C.A.'s brand new space! You don't want to miss this show called The Sum of Their Parts - it's all themes relating to hybrids! So right up my alley and I am so thrilled to be a part of this show. More info to come on that show! 

Oh and if you don't know about it already I am doing a really cool contest! All you have to do is join my mailing list for a chance to win an Angie Mason Art Print! 

Join my mailing list for the chance to win a free Art Print!  

E-mail angie@angiemason.com 

subject: Angie Mason Art List 

The print drawing will happen at the end of November winner announced Dec 1st!

OH and if you don't know about the special sculpture auction going on over at https://www.facebook.com/AngieMasonArt be sure to check it out and bid before 11.22.11!

 Ok more soon I promise! XOXO.

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