
Orphan Works: How You May Lose All the Rights to Every Piece of Art You Have Ever Created!

Brad Holland Discussed the Orphan Works Bill

Orphan Works

Or, How You May Lose All the Rights to Every Piece of Art You Have Ever Created!

YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS because you are about to lose your copyright protection. Every one of you needs to stand up and be heard in order to protect what we have all created. Follow the link and use the sample letter document they have and send it by Fax or mail to your Senate Congress Person. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT for all artists to do something! All of our Lively-hoods are really at stake here.

Please forward this information to every creative person and group you know.

IT TAKES LIKE LITERALLY 5 Minutes to fill out a letter and Fax it maybe ten if you are a slow typer ;) NOW GO DO IT!!!!

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