
just another brainspill...

Autumn...It's a time that makes me nostalgic with its breezy luke warm wind gusts and its chaotic dances of leaves swarming about my head. It's a time that brings feelings of happiness and just overall satisfaction with being alive. I remember so many good things always happening in the fall since I was a kid with friends I made to meeting Lyle to just having a stupid fun time with people I loved and love. I also love the fall with its crisp sweater days and overcast grays hanging over with sun filtering through spilling over onto the vibrant foliage. I love the smell of the earth dying. It makes me happy to be alive and realize how everything is a process and we and all things has an autumn. It's a time to reflect and to take in and appreciate so many things. I am happy autumn has arrived, this frenzied headed leaf girl is ready to dance in the winds and fall to the ground.

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