Shady Lady |
Seems like I am a stranger to this blog some times these days... but have no fear I am just lurking in the shadows still making paintings drawings and other stuff... on top of balancing life and all the messed up things currently going on in the world. I suppose my attention and energy shifted a bit this year with all that is going on politically in the world that I find I am more involved in benefit art shows or protest marches as well as some classic gallery shows for good measure.
Coming up I have the Tax and Science marches which I will be making new signs for both marches. On top of protesting there has been letter writing, phone calls to my reps and I have been also huddling with like minded folk seeing how we can best resist and hopefully affect some kind of positive change.
I know some days it can feel heavy and make you dizzy after all our President is constantly trying to gaslight us and it can feel impossible and what can I do but our voices and actions do matter... I believe we can take care of our selves during this difficult time - go rest take a break, it's exhausting I get that, but do not quit. ALWAYS keep fighting! For truth, peace, beauty, science, nature, love of this planet and equality and decency for all.
I read some where that when geese fly long distances they don't just have one leader but they have many, in fact they all know the way to where they are going so if one gets tired another can lead.
"Flying in a V formation to conserve energy - each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of them, resulting in a reduction of wind resistance. The birds take turns being in the front, falling back when they get tired. This way the geese can fly for a longer time before they must stop flying."
I guess I say this here in hopes to say to you and to me it's ok to feel beat down with so much going on take a break get your wings strong again but don't stop the flight we must keep flying toward a goal of hope and a positive outcome for all. Together we are stronger in this fight.
NYC 1.21.17 - Womens March - I never posted this on my blog but I feel like it's a really important part of who I am and believe so I am sharing here to document this amazing moving powerful day! |
Resisting with friends is so much better! |

Women's Strike NYC 3.8.17
Took part in the ides of March postcard campaign to flood the white house with protest cards. |
Literal artist block, every damn day but I wouldn't have it any other way  |
Womens Day Strike - 3.8.17 International Womans Day
NYC Women's Day March - My sign :) |
NYC Women's Day March - My sign :)
I guess I wanted to give a little peek at what is filling my days in addition to artwork...and I know it seems I have been a stranger to this blog... I am aiming to change that I still feel like I am learning how to best navigate the web with all the social media sites and new ones popping up I am constantly retraining myself how to manage them all or what the best way to live my digital life will be. So I will document things as best I can even if it's after the fact to share with you and help me remember it all. Our days are so full aren't they? And with that said I will take a deep breath and say to you dream yourselves awake and rest resist persist repeat! XOXO!